Monday, February 27, 2012


We had a sunshine tea party with daffodil tea cups... and it was delightful!
The glorious days we have had during this mild winter have had me longing to go to Calloway Gardens... And lucky for us, admission was free (and will be until the end of the month)! We enjoyed all the beautiful bulbs and greenhouses and the warm butterfly house. But, my heart was warmed to see that both of my children have inherited my faithful love of daffodils. They enjoyed everything, but without a doubt the daffodils were their favorite. Every time I turned around they had their face in a bloom.
Looking back at the pictures I took reminds me that we were made for this-- We were created for a garden.

 Isn't it amazing that we have a physiological response to beauty? This image makes my heart ache.
 Sweet boy... knows to stop and smell the roses... or daffodils, as the case may be.
 It may have been chilly and windy outside, but inside the warm humid butterfly house it was very easy to forget that!

 (Andrew feels like this picture is indecent... but I think it is too lovely to pass up for prudish reasons ;-)
 Sure, sure the butterflies were amazing, but give our kids a mirror and they can entertain themselves (and on lookers) for hours.
 I'm telling you-- they love them!!
 Don't you love how it feels like butterfly kisses when you smell a daffodil?
You didn't think I would take a road trip without some handwork did you? Bit by bit these hexies are getting together. And I am very pleased with how useful the Pediped box has been. Ever since I saw Anna Maria Horner's new sewing boxes I have been longing for one... but in the meantime I guess the Pediped box is a decent stand in... I may need to decorate it, though...


  1. Oh, memories of Callaway with you, Faith, Nana and G'Daddy! I love it! This mild winter is good for the heart. And good to know about the free admission.

  2. We WERE created for a garden - I love that!
