Monday, June 15, 2009

some of that

hey y'all! what's up... (aren't the cherries so cute? to bad it is newborn sized and won't fit much longer!)
here is the little man painting--- take note: letting and 2 yr old finger/ hand paint inside w/ clothes on is a bad idea... i wish someone had warned me! at least it was a tile floor...

... and amazingly enough all the screaming that occured when i said it was time to clean up and put the paint away did not wake anna up from her nap in the swing.


  1. Very cute. Although I must admit my first thought was "what were you thinking?" I can picture the screaming when "clean up time" was announced, but given the proximity to Anna I would have envisioned her covered in paint in the melee that must have ensued. I can't imagine how you managed to protect her from the flying paint... Surely you flung your body between Anna and E's flailing hands (or some such self-sacrificial action).

  2. love little E and his creations! you're passing on your love for painting i see :)
