it is our three year anniversary today. these are some pictures from our honeymoon (on cumberland island) to commemorate the day... i don't have any wedding pics on the computer, so these will have to do. my brother-in-law just got married last weekend. it is a special wedding time of year for us!
andrew received a pair of leather work gloves... romantic, i know! for some reason i like to limit my present ideas to the traditional anniversary gift guidelines: 1 yr = paper, 2 yr = cotton, 3 yr = leather... 50 yr = gold. ...thus, the leather gloves. we have been fortunate enough to take a little get away vacation every year so far and that is really the romantic part. this year we are excited to go on our little (24 hr) get away to 'serenbe'. its only an hour away and our little one will be having a grand ole time w/ his 'big mama'. it will be our first night w/ out the babe... but i think we will all be fine. we figure one of the best things we can give our son is the foundation of a healthy marraige between his parents... so hopefully taking a little time away will help us keep a healthy happy marriage!
Jane- you guys will be fine! I think you will even enjoy it since it is just 24 hours. When it is much more than that, you just start to get antsy (or I do). You are sooooo right about showing little E that your marriage is what came first and it will always come first! Happy anniversary!