Monday, September 17, 2012
ummm.... hi, my name is jane.
I feel like I need to reintroduce myself. I feel like it has been forever since I have been 'here'. While I'm sure it hasn't been all THAT long, I do feel like a bit of a different person. You see, I have a new job. My becoming a Kindergarten teacher (of one child... my own) directly corresponds with my blog break. This year I expect that I will not be blogging quite as much... but if you are interested in what my world looks like when I'm not blogging about it, you can check out the pictures I am posting on Instagram. I have put a gallery of updating pics on the side bar and you can click on them to see them larger on the webstagram website. I instagram a lot... Love the "insta" aspect! But, I do have a number of things to show and tell... so maybe I'll post more often than I expect. You know, now that we are reacquainted and all ;-)